Class-9 English (अंग्रेज़ी) Annual Exam model paper 2024-25 Download PDF || कक्षा-9 अंग्रेज़ी वार्षिक परीक्षा असली मॉडल पेपर 2025 की पीडीऍफ़ वार्षिक परीक्षा असली मॉडल पेपर 2025 की पीडीऍफ़

Class-9 English (अंग्रेज़ी) Annual Exam exam model  paper 2024-25 Download || कक्षा- 9 अंग्रेज़ी वार्षिक परीक्षा असली मॉडल पेपर 2024-25 की पीडीऍफ़

UP Board Class-9 English Annual Exam exam model  paper 2024-25 Download PDF  यूपी बोर्ड कक्षा-9 अंग्रेज़ी प्रश्न पत्र 2024-25 की पीडीऍफ़ 2024-25 New Model Paper PDF Sample Paper 2024-25. Class-9 English Question Paper 2024-25 Download PDF || Class-9 English Model Paper 2024-25 – UP Board Newly Updated Syllabus Question Paper 2024-25 session 2024-25 -UPMSP- Based on New pattern of Up Board.

Class 9Topic Annual Exam  model  paper
Board UP Board (UPMSP) Exam Year2025
StateUttar Pradesh यूपी बोर्ड आधिकारिक वेबसाइट UPMSP.EDU.IN
Exam Session 2024-25 Download PDF Click Here

कक्षा 9 अंग्रेज़ी प्रश्नपत्र  यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा  2024

समय 3:15 hr.पूर्णांक 70
प्रक्टिकल 30पासिंग मार्क 33.33%

Roll No……….                                                   Name……….

                                      Annual Exam 2025                       DI-45

Class – 9

Time: 3 Hors |                   English                             M.M.100

Note: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) The question paper is divided in two section.

(iii) Section A contais twenty multiple choice questions.

(iv) Section B contains descriptive answer type questions.


Q.1-3. Read the passage givin below and answer the questions that follow:

Florance hightange was the first woman who was awarded “the order of merst” for her poinuring work in nunsing proffession. She was born on may a 1820 of Rich faimily of flowrance italy it was unthinkable for a womanof respectable faimily to go to for a Job in those days she offired nerself to prouide healing touch to the wounded soldcers in creamian war werem.

  1. Whowis the awarded “the order of merst”-

(a) Sarojani Nayadu                           (b) a any besexf

(c) Nightangle Florence                     (d) None

  1. Nightaugle florance was born when-

(a) 12 May 1820                                 (b) 14May 1821

(c) 12 June 1820                                 (d) None

  1. Why she was famous-

(a) for political life                             (b) for a port

(c) for her nursing work                     (d) None

Q.4-7. Choose the right option:

  1. He is not timid………you think-

(a) as                 (b) that              (c) yet               (d) but

  1. He…………a cap when I met him-

(a) wears          (b) is wering     (c) wox             (d) was wearing

  1. Reordering the sentence-

am/reading/1/story/ a book

(a) I am reading astory book

(b) am I reading astory book

(c) A story book am I reading

(d) None of these

  1. Which word iscorrectly spelled-

(a) saience        (b) by cycle      (c) Journe         (d) Excelent

Q.8-10. Read the passage givin below and answer the questions

that follow:

At the age of twoand Holf. Eistlen was not talking. When he did finally learn to peak he uttared every things twice Eistien did not know what to do with other children and his playniates colled him “booring brother” so the youngester played by himself much of the time. He esecilly loved machenical toys looking at his new born sister he is said to havesaid fine but where are her wheels.

  1. Choose the correct option.

When Eistien was learn talking?

(a) at one year                                     (b) two year year

(c) at two and a half                           (d) None

  1. What was he loved most-

(a) Playing with classmeate               (b) Machenical toys

(c) Dellicious food                             (d) None of these

  1. Whome was called boaning brother-

(a) Maza           (b) Eistien         (c) his mother   (d) his father

Q.11-13. Choose the most suitable a lternative to complete the

following statements.

  1. Which sound was considered to be ospecious-

(a) Guitar          (b) table            (c) pungi           (d) Shohnai

  1. at the grand mother toto threw-

(a) a glass of water                             (b) plate

(c) Jactfruit                                         (d) none

  1. When I (the prince) was alive I had-

(a) a lof of money                               (b) a grand palace

(c) no worry                                        (d) none

Q.14-16. Read the following extracd and answer the question that follow:

When the numid shadow hover

Over all the starry spheres

and the melancholy darkness

Gently weeps in raing fears

  1. What time of the day is discussed in the givin extract-

(a) Early morning                               (b) Afternoon

(c) Night,                                            (d) None of these

  1. Why does the poet coll the malanchaly darkness “Weeping”-

(a) Because he is in the sad mood

(b) Because it is dark all around

(c) Because it is raining

(d) Both (a) and (b)

  1. Where is the poet when it is raining-

(a) in his cottage                                 (b) in his school

(c) in his office                                   (d) none

Q.17-18. Based on extract Question.

  1. The people did as they were told for fear of-

(a) Hell             (b) death           (c) the king       (d) the minister

  1. Mahendra was-

(a) An it Engineer                              (b) A Doctor

(c) Police                                            (d) A Supervisor

Q.19-20. Choose the correct option.

  1. did he kill a lion-

(a) he killed a lion,

(b) A lion killed by me

(c) By whome has this book been Reading

(d) none

  1. What is indirect narration of givin sentence-

(a) Ram says, Mohan is a noughty boy

(b) Ram said that Mohan was noughty boy

(c) Ram says that Mohan is naughty boy

(d) None

Section – ‘B’

  1. Read the following passage answer the raestion that follow

Man is the wisest of all animals, by virtue of only one thing his fraordinary power of thinking streped off this power, he will be no better spices than ofter multiple animals. except knowlege. All other animals have the same basic necessities a man has food shelter and clothing the third o oourse is noturally provided to animals in the form of long hair and fur to enable them to face adverse weather 2 conditions Men’s basic nesestics are foar in number food selter, clothing and education.

(i)     What is wisest of all animals.

(ii)    What is the mna’s basic necessties?

(iii) What protect the animols from the adverse weather conditions?

  1. Write a letter to your friends Inviting him to aftend the Marriage party of your elder brother.


Write a letter to your father requesting him to send rupees

five hundred for the purchase new books.

  1. Change it into Indirect narration of giving sentences:

Ram said to, ” you are good boy.

  1. Change it into passive voice.

He kill a kite

  1. Translate into English.

मैं प्रयागराज में रहता हूँ। यह शहर मुझे बहुत पसन्द है। भारत की दो प्रसिद्ध नदियाँ गंगा और यमुना यहाँ पर मिलमी है। उनके मिलने का स्थान संगम के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है लोग दूर-दूर से संगम के पवित्र जल में स्नान के लिए आते हैं।

  1. Answer the following question in about 30-40 words each.

(a) How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?

(b) When and where did Einstein meet Mileva Maric?

(c) When did mahendra get up, and when did he leave for work?

  1. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words.

(a) Who were old teacher’s? Where and how did they teacher dest.


Describe the childhood of Albert Einstein.

  1. Write the Cental Idea of any one of the following poem.

(a) the road not taken

(b) Rain on the roof

(c) Wind

  1. Write an essey about any.

(a) Water Pollution

(b) My Favourete book

(c) My Scholl


The material given in this video is for educational purposes only. This is a model question paper. This sample paper or model paper is based on the new pattern of up board exam and is being given for practice. The purpose of giving this question paper is not to make students cheat. Students should practice their exam based on this pattern. It is not being claimed in this model paper that this will come in your exam exactly. This is not a leaked paper or a viral paper. The purpose of this question paper is to explain the pattern of the exam to the candidates. If the presented paper comes in the same form in this year’s board exam or related exam or if more number of questions from it come, then it will be considered a mere coincidence. The creator of this video are not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the information given here. Viewers are also advised to verify the information and refer to official sources for the most accurate and latest exam material.
– model