Class-11 English (अंग्रेज़ी ) half yearly exam model  paper 2024-25 Download PDF || कक्षा- 11 अंग्रेज़ी अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा मॉडल पेपर 2024-25 की पीडीऍफ़

Class-11 English  (अंग्रेज़ी ) half yearly exam model  paper 2024-25 Download PDF || कक्षा- 11 अंग्रेज़ी  अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा मॉडल पेपर 2024-25 की पीडीऍफ़

UP Board Class 11 English Half yearly exam model  paper 2024-25 Download PDF  यूपी बोर्ड कक्षा 11 अंग्रेज़ी प्रश्न पत्र 2024-25 की पीडीऍफ़ 2024-25 New Model Paper PDF sample Paper 2024-25. Class 11 English  Question Paper 2024-25 Download PDF || Class 11 English  Model Paper 2024-25 – UP Board Newly Updated Syllabus Question Paper 2024-25 session 2024-25 -UPMSP- Based on New pattern of Up Board.

Class 11Topic Half yearly exam model  paper
Board UP Board (UPMSP) Exam Year2025
StateUttar Pradesh यूपी बोर्ड आधिकारिक वेबसाइट UPMSP.EDU.IN
Exam Session 2024-25 Download PDF Click Here

कक्षा 11 अंग्रेज़ी प्रश्नपत्र  यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा  2024

समय 3:15 hr.पूर्णांक 100
प्रक्टिकल नहीं पासिंग मार्क 33.33%


Subject: ENGLISH

Class: XI

Time Allowed: 3:15 Hours                                                    Max. Marks: 100


(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) First 15 Minutes are allotted for the candidate to read the question paper. At the second bell you will start writing your answers.

(iii) This question paper is divided into Four Sections ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’.

(iv) Marks are indicated against each questions. Read the question very carefully beforeanswering them.

(v) Please check that the questions paper contains total 12 questions and the No. of printed paper is 04.


  1. Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

Man’s life is not measured by the number of days, months and years that he has lived, but by the deeds, he has done and by the achievements, he has made, what is the real significance in life, is not the quantity,. but the quality of experience. A short life devoted to noble endeavours is for more valuable than a long life of over a hundred years spent in trivial pursuits. “We live in deeds not in years.” Noble deeds, splendid ideas and find sentiments constitute the real glory of character and not the length of time. One has lived in the world.

(a) How is man’s life measured? (3)

(b) Which is more valuable, a short life or a long life? (3)

(c) What should man prefer to do in life? (3)

(d) What makes character glorious? (3)

(e) (i) Which word in the passage means ‘Actions’? (1)

(ii) What is meant by the phrase ‘Noble Endevours’? (1)

(iii) Give the difference between ‘indeed’ and ‘in deed’. (1)


  1. Your school celebrated ‘No Tobacco Day’ on 31st May. Write a report in 120-140 words on the activities, performed for your school magazine. You are Abhinav / Aditi, the cultural authority of your school. (5)


You are Rajeev / Ranjana, the cultural secretary of your school. Write a notice on behalf of your school, inviting all grand parents of the students of your school to celebrate ‘World Elders’ Day’.

  1. Write an article (Essay) on anyone of the following topics in about 80 to 100 words. (10)

(a) National Education Policy

(b) Global Terrorism

(c) Problem of unemployment in Modern India.

  1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance, caused by the use of loudspeakers till late night in your locality. (5)


Write an application to your Principal of your college, requesting him to make a regular arrangement for evening games.


  1. (i) Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

(a) Adisease which spreads over a huge area: (2)

(i) Invincible

(ii) Academic

(iii) Epidemic

(iv) Fatal

(b) His wealth is increasing ‘by leaps and bounds’ means: (2)

(i) Sharply

(ii) Rapidly

(iii) Simply

(iv) Slowly

(c) The antonym of ‘Ancient’ is: (2)

(i) Old

(ii) Modern

(iii) Consent

(iv) Adversity

(d) The synonym of ‘Discard’ is:(2)

(i) Adapt

(ii) Reduce

(iii) Ruin

(iv) Abandon

(e) “The virtue is its own reward” –       (2)

Which word in this sentence is an error?

(i) The

(ii) is

(iii) its own

(iv) reward

(ii) (a) Change the following into Indirect speech:  (2)

Mohan said, “Krishna, I shall never betray you.”


“Kindly, help me”. She said to Sita.

(b) Combine the sentences as directed: (2)

Rana Pratap was a great warrior. He was the king of Mewar. (Simple sentence)


Good boys work. Bad boys make mischief. (Compound sentence)

(c) Transform the following sentences a directed:  (2)

Fire has smoke. (Negative sentence)


This new alarmed his father. (Passive voice)

(d) Correct the following:  (2)

One should keep his word.


Kalidas is Shakespeare of Sanskrit language.

(e) Use any one of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to make the difference in their meaning clear. (2)

Dose, Doze                   OR                Goal Gaol

6.Translate the following passage into English:(5)

एक समय एक अंग्रेज और एक पठान रेल के एक डिब्बे में साथ-साथ यात्रा कर रहे थे। जब गाड़ी चली, तो पठन पेशाब करने चला गया अंग्रेज ने उसका बिस्तर चलती गाड़ी से फेंक दिया। जब पठान वापस आया तो उसने अपना बिस्तर वहां नही पाया। उसने अंग्रेज से उसके विषय में पूछा। अंग्रेज ने कहा, “तुम्हारा बिस्तर गाड़ी से बाहर टहलने गया है। अभी लौट आयेगा।” पठान चुपचाप अपने स्थान पर बैठ गया। कुछ देर बाद अंग्रेज सो गया। तब पठान ने उसका सूटकेस और हैंडबैग गाड़ी से बाहर फेंक दिया। कुछ समय बाद अंग्रेज जागा, तो उसने पठान से पूछा, ‘मेरा सूटकेस और हैंडबैग कहां है?” पठान ने उत्तर दिया, “वे दोनों मेरा बिस्तर लाने गाड़ी से बाहर गये हैं”। इस प्रकार अंग्रेज को अपने कार्य का फल भुगतना पड़ा।


  1. Answer any one of the following questions is not more than 60 words: (7)

(a) What inspire the author to undertake such a riski voyage?

What was his experience?

(b) Who was Tut? Why is his life as well as death wrapped in mystery?

  1. Answer the following questions is not more than 30 words:

(a) How does Khushwant Singh describe his old grandmother?  (4)


“We’re not afraid to die”. Who speaks these words and when?

(b) King Tut’s death was a big event even by royal standards. Why? (4)


What does Article 48-A of the constitution of India Provide?

  1. . Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:

All three stood still to smile through their hair

At the uncle with Camera. A sweet face,

My mother’s, that was before I was born-

And the sea, which appears to have changed less,

Washed their terribly transient feet.

(a) what does ‘three’ refer to? (2)

(b) When and where was the photograph taken? (2)

(c) Which appears to have changed less? (2)

  1. Write the central idea of any one of the following poems:(4)

(a) The Laburnum Top

(b) The Voice of the Rain

  1. Answer any one of the following questions is not more than 60 words: (7)

(a) Narrate the story of the stolen while horse in your own words.

(b) Describe the narrator’s first visit to Marconi street, No.-46

  1. Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words:(4)

(a) Bring out the distinctive traits of the two ladies in ‘Mother’s Day’.


Who was the real owner of the beautiful white horse? How did Aram come to know about him?

(b) Comment on the title of Marga’s story ‘The Address’.(4)


Who was uncle Khosrove? What some of the notable traits of his character?