Social Science Model Paper 2024 English Medium- UP Board Exam 2024 Based on UPMSP Latest Pattern

Social Science Model Paper 2024 English Medium- UP Board Exam 2024 Based on UPMSP Latest Pattern on  New Education Policy – अब ऐसा पेपर आयेगा 2024 में

Social Science Model Paper 2024 (Hindi and English Medium) -Samajik Vigyan SST UP Board Exam 2024 Based on UPMSP Latest Pattern- Up Board Exam 2024 Download Latest Model Paper 2024- Class 10 Hindi- Based on New Education Policy – अब ऐसा पेपर आयेगा 2023-24 में  Sanskrit- Based on New Education Policy – अब ऐसा पेपर आयेगा 2024 में- UP Board Annual Exam 2024 Question Paper sample paper.


10th  [कक्षा -10]


UP Board (Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha
Parishad) UPMSP 2024  


Social Science (सामाजिक विज्ञान)


 UP Board Exam Model Paper (बोर्ड परीक्षा मॉडल पेपर)


2024 (Academic Session 2023-24)

UP Board Model Paper 2024 for Class 10 SST (PDF) – UP Board 10th Samajik Vigyan Sample Question Paper

How To Download UP Board Exam Latest Model Paper 2024

किसी भी विषय तथा कक्षा के मॉडल पेपर डाउनलोड करने का सबसे आसान तरीका इस प्रकार है –

  1. सबसे पहले आप हमारी मॉडल पेपर को समर्पित वेबसाइट पर जाएँ|
  2. फिर आप अपनी इच्छानुसार वार्षिक, अर्धवार्षिक प्री बोर्ड आदि कॉलम को ध्यान में रखते हुए कक्षा चुने .
  3. इसके बाद आप अपनी कक्षा के अन्दर व्यू मोर के  विकल्प पर जाएँ.
  4. जहाँ पर आपको को प्रत्येक विषय की पोस्ट मिल जाएगी.
  5. विषय पर क्लिक करें और अपने सेट डाउनलोड करने के लिए  नीचे की ओर  Download PDF File  सेक्शन में जाए.
  6. क्लिक हेयर पर क्लिक करके डाउनलोड करें.

UPMSP provides UP Board Model Question Papers for class 10 subject of Sanskrit to help all test takers. The SST Social Science English Medium and Hindi Mediam  model paper has specimen questions from latest Uttar Pradesh Board syllabus as per 10th class Sanskrit paper blkueprint

How To Download Latest Model Paper 2024 By Official Website

  1. Step-  सबसे पहले अपने ब्राउज़र से  लिंक सर्च करें.
  2. Step- फिर आपको उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद् की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के होम पेज पर जाना होगा.
  3. Step- तत्पश्चात आपको महवपूर्ण लिंक का ऑप्शन दिखेगा.
  4. Step- इसके बाद   मॉडल पेपर (2023-24) पर क्लिक करेंगे तो आपको आपके क्लास के अन्दर सारिणी में सभी विषयों के प्रश्नपत्र कि पीडीऍफ़ डाउनलोड करने की लिंक दिखेगी. 
  5. Step- डाउनलोड लिंक पर क्लिक करते ही आपके डिवाइस में पेपर की पीडीऍफ़ डाउनलोड हो जाएगी. 

उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद् ने प्री बोर्ड परीक्षा की डेट निर्धारित कर दी हैं, ऐसे में आपको प्री बोर्ड प्रश्नपत्रों की आवश्यकता को ध्यान में रखकर आपके लिए हमने ढेर सारे मॉडल पेपर इकठ्ठा किये है. आप सभी सेट्स को डाउनलोड करें और अध्ययन करें. उम्मीद है की आपके विद्यालय में जो पेपर होगा वह काफी हद तक इन पेपर्स से मिलता जुलता होगा. यूपी बोर्ड ने जो नए सत्र हेतु नया पाठ्यक्रम निर्धारित किया है उसी के अनुसार ये प्री बोर्ड प्रतिदर्श  प्रश्नपत्र बने हुए हैं|

SST Latest Model Paper 2024

Roll No.…………………………….                  

Name …………………………………..

932                                      825(FC)


Social Science

(Model paper only)

Time: 3 hours 15 minutes                                                 MM : 70

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) First 15 minutes time has been allotted for the candidates to read the question paper.

(iii) Question paper is divided in two Parts ‘A’ and ‘B’.

(iv) Part ‘A’ has 20 Multiple Choice Questions of 20 marks whose answers have to be given on O.M.R.


(v) Do not cut the answer after marking it on O.M.R. Sheet and do not use eraser and whitener.

(vi) Part ‘B’ has descriptive-1, descriptive-2 and two map related questions of 50 marks.

(vii) Marks allotted for each question are mentioned against them.

(viii) Attach firmly the supplied maps to your answer-book.

(ix) For vision-impaired examinees questions have been given separately for writing answers in lieu of



(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write in your OMR Sheet.

  1. Meaning of ‘Absolutism’ is –

(A) In such a system of governance, the power is controlled by the people.

(B) In such a system of governance, the power is not controlled by anyone.

(C) In such a system of governance, the power is controlled by few people.

(D) In such a system of governance, the power is controlled by many people.

  1. What is meant by ‘Liberalism’?

(A) Lack of private property.

(B) State restrictions on the economic activities.

(C) Liberty of individuals and equality before the law.

(D) Power of governance in the hands of few people.

  1. Who opened fire on the General meeting of Jallianwala Bagh ?

(A) Mountbatten

(B) Lord Dalhousie

(C) Lord Irwin

(D) General Dyer


  1. Who played major role in the Unification of Germany?

(A) Hitler

(B) Mussolini

(C) Bismarck

(D) Mahatma Gandhi

  1. Chauri-Chaura incident happened in –

(A) 1920

(B) 1919

(C) 1922

(D) 1929

  1. The distribution of power at different levels is called –

(A) Community government

(B) Coalition government

(C) Federal government

(D) Unitary government

  1. What type of language is ‘Hindi’?

(A) Official language

(B) Regional language

(C) Language of minorities

(D) None of these

  1. The representation of women has been ensured through the Constitution in –

(A) Local bodies

(B) Lok Sabha

(C) Rajya Sabha

(D) The provincial legislature

  1. Monarchy ended in ‘Nepal’ in…….

(A) 1990

(B) 2014

(C) 2008

(D) 2015

  1. Number of Union Territories in India is

(A) 6

(B) 7

(C) 8

(D) 9

  1. Which of the following is called green gold?

(A) Natural vegetation

(B) Lawn

(C) Green trees

(D) Dense bush

  1. What percentage of the hydrosphere is available as sea water?

(A) 95%

(B) 96%

(C) 97.5%

(D) 98%

  1. What is the time of sowing Rabi crops ?

(A) October December

(B) March-April

(C) June – July

(D) August September

14 .       Which industry uses limestone as raw material?

(A) Aluminium

(B) Cement

(C) Sugar

(D) Jute

  1. Which of the following is a basic industry?

(A) Paper industry

(B) Sugar industry

(C) Iron-steel industry

(D) Aluminium industry

  1. When was the Right to Information Act passed?

(A) October 2005

(B) March 2005

(C) January 2006

(D) February 2005

  1. When did economic liberalization start in India?

(A) 1991

(B) 1989

(C) 1995

(D) 1960

  1. What is important component of development?

(A) Income

(B) Average Income

(C) National Development

(D) High Growth

  1. When business is done from one place to another in a country, it is called –

(A) Internal trade

(B) International trade

(C) External trade

(D) Local trade

  1. Infant mortality ratio is calculated –

(A) over 1000 live children

(B) over 800 live children

(C) over 500 live children

(D) over 100 live children

Social Science Model Paper 2024


(Short Answer Type Questions)

Descriptive-1 (Answer in approx. 80 words)

  1. Explain the meaning of ‘Nationalism’ in Europe.


Mention the causes and effects of Non-Cooperation movement.

  1. Rising numbers of poverty and unemployment are hindrance in the success of democracy. Explain.


Democracy is responsible and legitimate government. Explain it.

  1. What do you understand by foreign trade ? State any two characteristics of foreign trade of India.


If irrigation and marketing facilities are provided to farmers, how will employment and income       increase?

What is meant by loss of forests? Mention any three effects caused by the loss of forests.


What is meant by land resource? State any three importance of land resource.

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Descriptive-2 (Answer in approx. 150 words)

  1. Examine the causes of the Great Depression after the First World War.


State the reason and purpose of Bretton woods Agreement. What is known as Bretton wood    twins? Explain it.

  1. What is Federalism ? Describe the main features of the federal government system of India.


What is the meaning of Feminism? What is the status of representation of women in the        Legislatures of India?

  1. “Multinational Companies link the production process of different countries to each other.” Explain this statement.


Describe any three rights of the consumer.

How is land a very important natural resource? Describe its important facts.


What is biodiversity? Why is it important for human life? Explain.

Map Related Questions

Instruction: Show the following on the given map of India :

  1. (A) (i) The place where Cotton Mill workers’ Satyagraha was organized.

(ii) The place where the Farmers’ Satyagraha took place.

(iii) The place where Chauri-Chaura incident took place.

(iv) The place where the Session of Indian National Congress was held in 1929.

(v) The place where incident of Jallianwala Bagh took place.

  1. (A) (i) Where was Cotton Mill workers’ Satyagraha started?

(ii) Where did Farmers’ Satyagraha took place?

(iii) Where did the Chauri-Chaura incident took place?

(iv) Where was the Session of Indian National Congress held in 1929?

(v) Where did Jallianwala Bagh incident took place?

Instruction: Show the following on the given map of India:

  1. (B)(i) A sea port of West Bengal by symbol8 with name.

(ii) Capital city of Maharashtra by symbol ¨ with name.

(iii) A region of Bauxite production with name by symbol ™.

(iv) An area of Manganese production with name by symbol ˜.

(v) One million city of this state with name by symbol Y.

(For Vision-Impaired examinees only)

         (As an alternative to Map Tasks)

(B) (i) Write the name of a sea port of West Bengal.

(ii) Write the name of the capital city of Maharashtra.

(iii) Write the name of one area of Bauxite production.

(iv) Write the name of one area of Manganese production.

(v) Write the name of one million city of this state.


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