UP Board Class-12 English Pre Board Exam Model Paper 2025 PDF- कक्षा-12 अंग्रेज़ी मॉडल प्रश्नपत्र 2024-25-English Exam Question Papers 2025 एकदम असली पेपर
प्यारे बच्चों! आप यहां पर सभी विषयों के मॉडल पेपर आसानी से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं यहां पर विभिन्न स्कूलों द्वारा कराए गए प्री -बोर्ड परीक्षा का मॉडल पेपर उपलब्ध है इन मॉडल पेपर की सहायता से आप बोर्ड में 95+ नंबर आसानी से ला सकते हैं Up Board Latest Model Paper 2025 PDF Download for Class 9,10,11,12- (प्री -बोर्ड परीक्षा का मॉडल पेपर) 2024-25- Question Paper PDF Download For Class 9th 10th 11th 12th
यहाँ पर आपको कक्षा 12वीं के लिए प्री -बोर्ड परीक्षा का मॉडल पेपर की पीडीऍफ़ फाइल दी जा रही है आप इसे अपने फ़ोन में डाउनलोड कर ले
Class | 12 | Topic | Pre Board Exam Question Paper |
Board | UP Board (UPMSP) | Exam Year | 2025 |
State | Uttar Pradesh | यूपी बोर्ड आधिकारिक वेबसाइट | UPMSP.EDU.IN |
Exam Session | 2024-25 | Download PDF | Click Here |
कक्षा 12 अंग्रेज़ी प्रश्नपत्र यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025
समय | 3:15 hr. | पूर्णांक | 100 |
आतंरिक मूल्यांकन | पासिंग मार्क | 33.33% |
Name……….. Roll No……………
Pre-Board Exam:2025
Subject-English C/45000
Time: 3 hrs. 15 min.] Class-12 M.M.:100
(i) The first 15 minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the question paper.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each questions.
SECTION ‘A’ (Reading)
- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows:
Destruction of forests has a major impact on the productivity of out crop lands. This happens in two ways soil erosion increases manifold and the soil literally gets washes away, leading to an accentuated cycle of floods and droughts. But equally important is the impact of the shortage of fire wood on the productivity of crop lands. When fire wood becomes scarce, People begin to burn cowdung and crop wastes. In many places of our country. Cowdung and crop wastes are the major sources of cooking energy. Consequently every part of the plant gets used and nothing goes back to the soil. Over a period of time, this nutrient drain affects crop productivity. In addition to this the technology of the green Revolutin, the technology of growing high-yielding varieties on a limited diet of chemical fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphates and potash. The total bio-mass production goes up and so does the drain of the nutrients from the soil.
(1) What are the two disadvantages of the destruction of forects? 3
(2) What are the major sources of cooking energy? 3
(3) What it the impact of the technology of the Green Revolution on the soil? 3
(4) How can de soil be enriched? 3
(5) (i) Which word in the passage means ‘effect’? 1
(ii) Which word in the passage is opposite of ‘minor’? 1
(iii) What does the phrase “bio-mass’ mean in the passage? 1
Section-B (Writing)
- Write an article (Essay) on any one of the following topics in about 100-150 words. 10
(a) Women in New India
(b) Your Ambition in life
(c) Television and its Future
- Write a letter to the superintendent of police of your city requesting him to improve the law and order situation in your area. 10
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the polluted water supply your area.
Section-C (Grammar)
- Choose the correct option to answer the following questions: 5×2=10
(A) Ramesh is more taller tham Mahesh.
Which word is this sentence is an error?
(i) than (ii) is (iii) latter (iv) more
(B) The pharse ‘Take one to Task’ means:
(i) Praise (ii) Approach
(iii) Admire (iv) Rebuke
(C) The synonym of ‘Ponderous” is:
(i) contemplative (ii) moist
(iii) erect (iv) bulky
(D) The antonym of ‘Patriot’ is:
(i) brave (ii) coward (iii) traitor (iv) honest
(E) A selfish person who always thinks of himself is called:
(i) optimist (ii) lyricist (iii) dramatist (iv) egoist
(A) Change any one of the following in indirect speech: 2
(i) My brother said to me, “may you live long!”
(ii) She said to us “Le’de ave some music.”
(B) Combine anyone of the following as directed: 2
(i) I will finish the work in time. I am sure. (simple sentence)
(ii) My frerend is diligent. He is cunning. (into compound sentence)
(C) Change any one of the following as directed: 2
(i) Did he not tell you? (into passive voice)
(ii) Mumbai is the best city in India. (comparative degree)
(D) Correct any one of the following sentences: 2
(i) Milk is preferable than tea.
(ii) He has received a letter yesterday.
(E) Use any one of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to make the difference in their meaning clear: 2
(i) Decent, Dissent (ii) Childish, Child like
- Translate the following passage in English: 5
एक छोटे से गाँव में एक लड़की रहती थी, जिसका नाम सिया था। वह हमेशा अपने सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए मेहनत करती थी। एक दिन उसने गाँव के स्कूल में सबसे बड़ी प्रतियोगिता जीती। उसकी मेहनत ने उसे सफलता दिलाई, और वह सबके लिए प्रेरणा बन गई।
Section-D (Literature)
- Answer the following questions in about 40 words: 4+4=8
(A) What did the instructor do to train Douglas ?
Whom did M. Hamel blame for the ignorance in studies Why?
(B) Why did Gandhiji chide the lawyers?
Or What was the bulletin board? How was it important
- Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: 7
(A) Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
(B) How did Gandhiji reach Champaran and what and he do there?
- Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow: 3×2=6
Those who prepare green wars.
war with gas, wars with free
victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade doing, nothing.
(1) What types of wars are prepared by the persons?
(2) What is the end of such wars?
(3) What would such persons do after keeping quiet?
- Write the centeral idea of any one at the following poems: 4
(a) A Thing of Beauty (b) Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
(c) Keeping Quiet
- Answer the following question in about 40 words each: 4+4=8
(A) How did Charley enter in the third level?
Or What was the astrologer’s predietion?
(B) What was the ‘students on Ice’ programme?
Or How did Dr. Sadoo operate the white man?
- Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: 7
(A) How did Dr. Sadao save the life of the American war. Prisoner? How did his wife Hana help him in that act and what was the reaction of the servants and why?
(B) What did the astrologers tell when the Tiger King was born?
The material given in this video is for educational purposes only. This is a model question paper. This sample paper or model paper is based on the new pattern of up board exam and is being given for practice. The purpose of giving this question paper is not to make students cheat. Students should practice their exam based on this pattern. It is not being claimed in this model paper that this will come in your exam exactly. This is not a leaked paper or a viral paper. The purpose of this question paper is to explain the pattern of the exam to the candidates. If the presented paper comes in the same form in this year’s board exam or related exam or if more number of questions from it come, then it will be considered a mere coincidence. The creator of this video are not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the information given here. Viewers are also advised to verify the information and refer to official sources for the most accurate and latest exam material.
– model paper.info